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Shrewsbury law firm backs domestic violence move

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A Shropshire lawyer who specialises in domestic violence issues has backed a move to improve the handling of such cases.

Home secretary Theresa May has just announced a review of the way police respond to domestic violence incidents, in an attempt to reduce the number of victims.

Emma Kenvyn, who has worked in this area of the law for around 15 years with Wace Morgan Solicitors of Shrewsbury, welcomed the initiative.

“Theresa May has said that domestic violence is considered a norm by too many men and some women and that there are still too many men and women being abused and I am in total agreement,” commented Emma.

“She has also said that too many young men – and even some young women – think that violence in a relationship is normal and unfortunately I come across this attitude in my work all the time. It is good to hear that the government is sitting up and taking notice and will address the issue of police training and standards in such cases.

“There is an urgent need for things to change as at the moment around two women a week are dying from domestic violence in England and Wales, a rate which has remained steady for more than a decade,” Emma added.

Wace Morgan Solicitors, which has three offices in Shrewsbury, regularly runs campaigns to raise the awareness of their services and assistance and urging people to take action if they have experienced domestic violence.

The firm operates a 24-hour ‘trauma line’ specifically for the victims of domestic violence which is always available by calling 07823 777774.

Subject to financial eligibility and the recent strict criteria imposed by the Legal Aid Agency, it may be that victims of domestic violence could be eligible for Legal Aid to issue court proceedings. In any event, Mrs Kenvyn would always be willing to give advice to victims during an initial free 20 minute appointment.