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Mediators move to working online

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We felt it would be helpful to let you have an up-date of our current mediation service practice following the pandemic and our move to work online.

We are still located at our main office at 21 St. Marys street, Shrewsbury which is located in the centre of town. Esther Evans is an accredited Mediator and we also have a dedicated Co-ordinator, Steph Kitson. Esther is also trained to work with children as part of the mediation process.

We are still endeavouring to arrange appointments convenient to the clients with as little delay as possible. We pride ourselves on keeping Solicitors informed of progress and ensuring that you have “Help with Mediation” Forms if appropriate or the necessary forms for Court.

We currently have outreach posts in Telford, Oswestry, Welshpool, Newtown and Church Stretton. However, we are currently working online. When conditions improve and where it is safe to do so, we are willing to consider having face to face meetings again, although we are finding online working to be beneficial to parties and we are also happy to continue on that basis if that is what client’s prefer. Most clients find this way of working convenient and meetings are being arranged much quicker.

We continue to offer mediation for couples in relation to financial, children issues or both. In addition we can offer legal aid for those clients who are eligible or on a private basis.

For private clients, The Family Mediation council have extended the Voucher scheme for couples and we can apply for a voucher for a contribution of a maximum of £500 (including any VAT) towards their mediation session costs where the mediation involves arrangements for children.

Please let us know if you want our Brochure, Referral Form, Fees and MIAM