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Lawyer’s warning on new fees

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A Shropshire solicitor has issued a warning to employees and employers of a major amendment to employment regulation.

Keir Hirst, who specialises in this sector of the law with Wace Morgan Solicitors of Shrewsbury, says that the government is bringing in fundamental changes from July 29.

He explained: “Later this month fees are being introduced for taking cases to employment tribunals for claimants….. when they come into force on 29 July this year, the issue fee starts from £160 ( and will be higher depending on the type of case)  and there will be a listing fee of £950.00 for most cases. Depending on an individuals income a Fee Remission will be available which will add some more complications to the process,  but will enable those who cannot afford the fee a chance of pursuing a claim. Additionally, it may be possible, in certain cases,  to take out after the event insurance to cover the payment of fees”.  

Mr Hirst said that the aim of introducing fees was to transfer some of the approximate £74m cost of running employment tribunals from the taxpayer to those who use the system.

“The government believes that users, who can afford to pay, should contribute to its running cost, particularly because the taxpayer already provides for free Acas conciliation and will continue to do so,” he said.

Wace Morgan, which has three offices in Shrewsbury and one in Newtown, act on more than 150 employment matters annually, working for both employers and employees.

The firm’s team of specialist lawyers deal with all aspects of employment law, including discrimination, unfair dismissal,  breach of contract or wrongful dismissal, disciplinary and grievance procedures and unpaid wages.

“The tribunal fees may or may not be refunded depending on the outcome of these court cases, which introduces significant uncertainty for anyone involved in such a case.

 “Due to the complexity and costs of the forthcoming changes, the key step for an employer/employee  will be to take advice to assess the merits of their case”

For further information please contact Keir Hirst  or Matthew Bebb on 01743 280 100